Disclosure of hydraulic fracturing fluids used for European shale gas extraction


Water Protection

This summer the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) launched a web-based European chemical disclosure platform for hydraulic fracturing fluids from shale gas extraction. OGP, an industry group, will provide the public with NGS Facts (Natural Gas from Shale - hydraulic fracturing Fluid and Additive Component Transparency Service) and access to information about the contents of the fracturing fluids being used in Europe. To date, seven disclosed wells from Poland are publicly available. 

Additionally, NGS Facts answers frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the exploration and production of unconventional gas. The FAQs cover central topics such as water, chemicals, seismicity and greenhouse gas. However, you will not find critical questions in the FAQ section.

Besides the website 'FracFocus' for the U.S. and Canada, and some scattered websites concerning Europe (UK, Cuadrilla; Poland, BNK; Germany, ExxonMobile), NGS Facts provides the first European chemical disclosure platform for hydraulic fracturing fluids from shale gas extraction.

For more information about fracturing fluids, please visit our website.

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Disclosure of hydraulic fracturing fluids used for European shale gas extraction