International Lithosphere Program Task Force X - The Unconventionals
One of the Task Forces of the International Lithosphere Program (ILP) works on the "The Unconventionals". The name refers to the fossil energy systems under focus, and not necessarily the professional outlook nor fashion consciousness of its members.
Tight gas, shale gas and coalbed methane all fall in the unconventional category as, being extremely impermeable, it takes special methods to produce hydrocarbons from them. The group´s quest - To understand the geological systems concerned, and to present a balanced view of exploitation and its consequences.
From lithosphere to nanometre scales, and from processes acting over geological or human timeframes: join the ILP Task Force now in studying how unconventionals can act as an energy bridge to the future world of renewables.
Anyone interested in joining, please contact one of the Task Force leaders:
Brian Horsfield (
Andy Aplin (
Isabelle Moretti (
Ralf Littke (
Hans Doornenbaal (
William Sassi (
Next Bureau meeting of the Task Force: 8 April 2013, 18:00 - 20:00, EGU European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna/Austria.