Newsletter December 2013



Dear Reader,
Today we would like to inform you about the latest news on SHIP.

A new expert article from Dr. Bernd Wiese, GFZ Potsdam is available on SHIP, which grapples with the rise of fracking fluids.

A short summary of “Constraints on Upward Migration of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Brine”

This expert article gives an overview of the legal situation of shale gas within the EU, and was brought up to date by Elizabeth Shepherd, from Eversheds. The article is only available in English.

Shale gas – an EU analysis

Also now available on SHIP is another expert article from Prof. Dr. Michael Kühn, GFZ Potsdam. The article deals with the themes of deep and shallow groundwater systems.

SHIP – Hydrogeology


The SHIP team wishes all our readers a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2014!

Your SHIP Team

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Newsletter December 2013