German National Academy of Science and Engineering publishes a report on hydraulic fracturing
The German National Academy of Science and Engineering* (acatech) has instituted the project, "Hydraulic Fracturing – a debated technology”. This available report from the project, in which leading scientists from the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences were also involved, provides an overview of the results of the project group, which will by summarised at the end of the year after review and syndication by the acatech steering committee in an acatech POSITION. The emphasis is on the technological aspects of hydraulic fracturing. The range of this extends from drilling technology, the frac methods and the fluid composition, to the development and propagation of cracks, right up to frac-induced (micro-) seismicity, including their recording and control.
In its report from the project, the project group led by acatech steering committee member, Rolf Emmermann states: A general prohibition of hydraulic fracturing appears to be unfounded on the basis of scientific and technical facts. However, the use of the technology must follow strict safety standards, be clearly regulated and extensively monitored. In Germany, strict technical requirements already apply to all process steps for drilling, underground engineering and hydraulic fracturing.
In the present situation, scientifically supported demonstration projects appear to be important to the project group. These should be performed under clear conditions and specified standards. The evaluation of the results and experiences facilitates the constant further development and adaptation of the methods. At the same time, through officially monitored operations and the transparent information, trust by the public will be established, on which future projects can be based. This applies to shale gas production, as well as deep geothermal energy. The implementation of the demonstration projects should meet the highest standards (“best practice”). These standards are described further in the project report.
Source: acatech press release
*The National Academy of Science and Engineering is the leading researcher for the representation of interests from the field of science and engineering. The institution is promoted by the German federal government and the federal states.