The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) statement on shale gas production in Germany.



The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU), published a statement on 31st May, 2013 titled “Fracking for shale gas production – a contribution to its appraisal in the context of energy and environment policy”. The Council advocates a more rational approach to the opportunities and risks associated with fracking. The SRU states that shale gas production in Germany is dispensable under current conditions. The main conclusions are: 

  • Shale gas is not essential for transforming the energy system.
  • For the moment fracking technology should not be used for commercial production of shale gas, in view of serious gaps in our knowledge of environmental impacts.
  • Fracking will not be justifiable until pilot projects have yielded favourable results.

The SRU furthermore recommends a step-by-step approach to the clarification of answers to outstanding questions, in which initially only pilot projects would be permitted. Additionally, existing knowledge about hydraulic fracturing and shale gas in Germany should be merged into a publically accessible database.

Download the report.

The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) is an academic advisory body. Founded in 1971 to advise the German government, the SRU is politically independent and interdisciplinary.

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The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) statement on shale gas production in Germany.