Brian Horsfield about shale gas and hydraulic fracturing

April 2013, Interview

Brian Horsfield about SHIP

August 2012, Video (4:27) 

GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is partner of the Science Year 2012 “Project Earth: Our Future”.


Newsletter January 2014



Dear Reader,The SHIP team wishes all our readers a Happy New Year 2014! Today we would like to inform you about the latest news on SHIP. In the category "The Debate", SHIP expert Prof. Mike Stephenson of the British Geological Survey[...]read more

A 2013 energy study from the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)



The 2013 energy study – Reserves, Resources and the Availability of Energy Raw Materials, provides raw material economic advice to the Federal Ministry of economy and energy (BMWi) and for the German economy. Excerpt from the BGR 2013 energy study[...]read more

Methane emissions are underestimated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Climate Impact

Dr. Thorsten Warneke discusses the following scientific paper by Miller et al. (2013) A recent paper by Miller et al. (2013), published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, states that the emission of methane in the United States[...]read more

European Commission recommends minimum principles for shale gas


Legislation, Generic

Building on existing EU legislation and complementing it where necessary, the Recommendation invites Member States in particular to: Plan ahead of developments and evaluate possible cumulative effects before granting licences;Carefully assess[...]read more

Center for Sustainable Shale Development (CSSD) Certification and Verification Program Opens for Business


Generic, Operations

The Center for Sustainable Shale Development (CSSD), a collaborative between environmental organizations and energy companies to encourage prudent and responsible development of shale gas resources in the Appalachian region, announced its[...]read more

Shale gas argument map now also available in German and Polish



The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), with the support of the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), has now published the pros and cons of shale gas development in an argument map for the languages German and[...]read more

Regulatory roadmap for onshore oil and gas exploration in the UK


Operations, Generic

In December, 2013 the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) published a regulation and best practice roadmap for operators of onshore oil and gas (shale gas) exploration in the UK. “The content is primarily for unconventional oil and gas[...]read more

Guidelines for unconventional gas development


Operations, Generic

The International Risk Governance Council* (IRGC) published guidelines for unconventional gas development. “In this report, the IRGC examines the risks and benefits of UGD [unconventional gas development] and offers some risk governance[...]read more

Assessment report on the impact of hydraulic fracturing on near-surface groundwater – Generic characterization and modeling


Water Protection

Authors: Torsten Lange1, Alexander Kissinger2, Martin Sauter1, Rainer Helmig2, Michael Heitfeld3 1Georg-August-Universität Göttingen2Universität Stuttgart3Ingenieurbüro Heitfeld - Schetelig, Aachen This text relies on the articles “Hydraulic[...]read more

Newsletter December 2013



Dear Reader,Today we would like to inform you about the latest news on SHIP. A new expert article from Dr. Bernd Wiese, GFZ Potsdam is available on SHIP, which grapples with the rise of fracking fluids. A short summary of “Constraints on Upward[...]read more

SHIP - Hydrogeology


Water Protection

Author: Prof. Dr. Michael Kühn Groundwater - raw material and resource Groundwater is an important part of the water cycle that is controlled and affected by numerous processes. The underground groundwater circulation systems are of a complexity[...]read more

Germany: The topic of hydraulic fracturing technology has turned up again in the current coalition agreement (18th legislature) of the CDU, CSU and SPD


Legislation, Generic

“According to current environmentally relevant studies, there is enormous potential risk attached to the use of fracking technology for the unconventional extraction of natural gas – and especially shale gas. The consequences for humans, nature and[...]read more

New SHIP expert for hydrogeology


Generic, Water Protection

Prof. Dr. Michael Kühn is the Head of the Hydrogeology section at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. At the same time, he is Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of Potsdam. His research group focuses on the dynamic interactions[...]read more

A short summary of “Constraints on Upward Migration of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Brine”


Water Protection

Author: Dr. Bernd Wiese This paper by Flewelling & Sharma analyzes some general geological settings and their implications for fluid migration. The analysis is based on plausibility considerations. A central consideration is that high vertical[...]read more

New SHIP expert for transport processes


Generic, Water Protection

Dr. Bernd Wiese holds the position of Research Scientist at the Center for Geological Storage in the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. He is working on different tasks at the pilot site for CO2 storage in Ketzin, Germany. His fields[...]read more

Newsletter November 2013



Dear reader,Today, we would like to inform you about news on SHIP.  SHIP has been reorganized and you can now find older articles under the category ‘Archive’ sorted by topic. Archive Carbon Footprint: The expert article about climate impact[...]read more

Low health risk from shale gas extraction



The report published on 31 October by Public Health England reviews the potential health impacts of shale gas extraction. This review of the scientific literature focusses on the potential impact of chemicals and radioactive material from all stages[...]read more

Announcement: Shale Gas as a Bridge Energy Carrier - From Fossils Fuels to Green Energy



The Polish Geological Institute (PGI) and the Geological Surveys of Europe (EuroGeoSurveys) invite to the conference on shale gas on November 12, 2013, 9:00 a.m. in Warsaw. This conference will shed some new light on chances for the safe and[...]read more

Update: A documentation of studies on the greenhouse gas balance of shale gas


Climate Impact

Many studies have examined greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shale gas production and their possible impact on climate. The methodologies and assumptions of these studies differ, and have resulted in various conclusions on the potential emissions.[...]read more

Update: Lower methane emissions than expected at selected shale gas production sites in the U.S.


Climate Impact

Correction of the conflict of interest statement About 3 weeks after publication of the article "Measurements of methane emissions at natural gas production sites in the United States" the authors corrected their conflict of interest[...]read more

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