Geological Society of London organized lecture on shale gas and “fracking”


Hydraulic Fracturing, Induced Seismicity, Water Protection

The Geological Society of London* organizes monthly geoscience lectures with invited experts as speakers. In April 2014, Professor Richard Davies from the University of Durham gave a talk titled “Fracked or fiction: so what are the risks associated[...]read more

PSE published a science summary about contamination associated with shale gas production


Water Protection

PSE* published the original article in March 2014 and is with permission reproduced on SHIP. Surface and groundwater contamination associated with modern natural gas development Documentation of water contamination associated with modern natural[...]read more

Research at GFZ: Characterizing the water-rock interactions of sediments under in-situ conditions


Water Protection

The German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) is working towards a better understanding of the geological factors controlling the composition of flowback and produced water from shales. Senior scientist Dr. Vieth-Hillebrand emphasises the[...]read more

Chemicals in ‘fracking’ for the extraction of unconventional natural gas resources


Water Protection

Authors: Martin Elsner1, Carsten Vogt2, Anett Georgi2, Frank-Dieter Kopinke2, Wolfgang Calmano3, Kathrin Schreglmann1, Axel Bergmann4, Bernhard Mayer5, Franziska D.H.Wilke6 The "Chemicals in Hydrofracking for Natural Gas Extraction"[...]read more

Assessment report on the impact of hydraulic fracturing on near-surface groundwater – Generic characterization and modeling


Water Protection

Authors: Torsten Lange1, Alexander Kissinger2, Martin Sauter1, Rainer Helmig2, Michael Heitfeld3 1Georg-August-Universität Göttingen2Universität Stuttgart3Ingenieurbüro Heitfeld - Schetelig, Aachen This text relies on the articles “Hydraulic[...]read more

SHIP - Hydrogeology


Water Protection

Author: Prof. Dr. Michael Kühn Groundwater - raw material and resource Groundwater is an important part of the water cycle that is controlled and affected by numerous processes. The underground groundwater circulation systems are of a complexity[...]read more

New SHIP expert for hydrogeology


Generic, Water Protection

Prof. Dr. Michael Kühn is the Head of the Hydrogeology section at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. At the same time, he is Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of Potsdam. His research group focuses on the dynamic interactions[...]read more

A short summary of “Constraints on Upward Migration of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Brine”


Water Protection

Author: Dr. Bernd Wiese This paper by Flewelling & Sharma analyzes some general geological settings and their implications for fluid migration. The analysis is based on plausibility considerations. A central consideration is that high vertical[...]read more

New SHIP expert for transport processes


Generic, Water Protection

Dr. Bernd Wiese holds the position of Research Scientist at the Center for Geological Storage in the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. He is working on different tasks at the pilot site for CO2 storage in Ketzin, Germany. His fields[...]read more

Disclosure of hydraulic fracturing fluids used for European shale gas extraction


Water Protection

This summer the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) launched a web-based European chemical disclosure platform for hydraulic fracturing fluids from shale gas extraction. OGP, an industry group, will provide the public with NGS[...]read more

New study regarding gas found in drinking water wells near shale gas extraction areas in the U.S.


Water Protection

In a new study led by Duke University, Durham, USA, scientists analyzed 141 drinking water samples from private water wells across the region of the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania. Overall they have found an increased methane concentration in[...]read more

Water quality and hydraulic fracturing: new studies - ongoing discussion.


Water Protection

Impact on surface waters  A recent modeling study focuses on the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and estimates the effect of shale gas wells and the release of treated shale gas waste by permitted treatment facilities on observed downstream[...]read more

USGS study: no significant effects on groundwater quality from shale gas development


Water Protection

A study that examined the water quality of 127 shallow domestic wells in the Fayetteville Shale natural gas production area of Arkansas (U.S.) found no groundwater contamination associated with gas production, according to a report released on 9th[...]read more

New European Commission studies on possible consequences of exploiting shale gas


Water Protection, Climate Impact, Legislation

The European Commission (EC) has commissioned three studies to investigate the possible consequences of exploiting shale gas. The studies were published on 7 September, 2012 and look at the potential effects of unconventional fuels on energy[...]read more

Further German risk study: conditions for safe hydraulic fracturing


Generic, Water Protection

In addition to the recent shale gas risk study of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, another risk study was published by the environmental and economic ministries of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. This study (weblink to[...]read more

German government study on hydraulic fracturing risks


Generic, Water Protection, Legislation

Hydraulic fracturing should not be banned, but its application should be allowed only with strict regulation in place. That is the bottom line of a comprehensive study (in German only) on the water-related environmental risks of hydraulic fracturing[...]read more

Study documents natural origin of enhanced salinity in Marcellus area groundwater


Water Protection

A Duke University study on well water in northeastern Pennsylvania suggests that naturally occurring pathways could have allowed salts and gases from the Marcellus shale formation deep underground to migrate up into shallow drinking water[...]read more

Safe distance between hydraulic fractures and groundwater


Water Protection, Induced Seismicity, Hydraulic Fracturing

Two studies have been published recently that give recommendations on safe distances between induced hydraulic fractures and shallow groundwater. They both build on the 2011 publication of comprehensive data on hydraulic fracture height growth from[...]read more

Studies on underground fracturing fluid migration along faults


Water Protection

A recent study on the potential migration of contaminants from hydraulically fractured gas shales through overlying, naturally fractured rock formations, has stirred some debate on the risk of groundwater contamination. While acknowledging[...]read more

Polish study: hydraulic fracturing safe for the environment


Operations, Water Protection

A study initiated by the Polish Ministry of the Environment concluded that no negative impact on soil, air or water occurs when exploration of shale gas is conducted in accordance with Polish legislation. The investigation accompanied hydraulic[...]read more

Displaying 21 to 40 of 43

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