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Brian Horsfield über Schiefergas und Hydraulic Fracturing

April 2013, Interview

Brian Horsfield spricht über SHIP

(auf englisch)

Das GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung ist Partner des Wissenschaftsjahres 2012 “Zunkunftsprojekt Erde”.


France: shale gas R&D recommended, commission on hydraulic fracturing implemented



A government report recommending concrete steps in shale oil and gas R&D was published on March 21, 2012 together with a decree on the implementation of a commission for the evaluation of environmental risks related to hydraulic fracturing and[...]mehr lesen

Reinhard Hüttl, GFZ´s Scientific Executive Director, welcomes SHIP



Welcome!  Why is the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences concerning itself with fossil energy sources? Apart from a purely scientific interest in the carbon cycle, the different types and compositions of hydrocarbons, and an[...]mehr lesen

Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Disclosure made compulsory in Texas and Colorado



Disclosure of fracturing fluids is required in Texas for wells with an initial drilling permit issued on or after Feb. 1, 2012, and in Colorado for wells where hydraulic fracturing treatments are performed on or after April 1, 2012. The new rules[...]mehr lesen

Scientists evaluate hydraulic fracturing



As part of ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH´s information and dialogue process on potential risks and the environmental impact of unconventional gas production, a national scientist panel discussed its draft results with national and[...]mehr lesen

Lithuania to Consider Shale Gas



A Regional Energy Conference held on February 29 in Vilnius focused on “Shale Gas and Oil as Potential Game Changers in the Energy Market in the Baltic States and Poland”. The conference was organized by the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,[...]mehr lesen

Polish study: hydraulic fracturing safe for the environment


Betriebsprozesse, Grundwasserschutz

A study initiated by the Polish Ministry of the Environment concluded that no negative impact on soil, air or water occurs when exploration of shale gas is conducted in accordance with Polish legislation. The investigation accompanied hydraulic[...]mehr lesen

New study shows no evidence of groundwater contamination from hydraulic fracturing


Grundwasserschutz, Gesetzgebung

Hydraulic fracturing of shale formations to extract natural gas has no direct connection to reports of groundwater contamination, based on evidence reviewed in the study Fact-Based Regulation for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas Development[...]mehr lesen

European Commission publishes study on shale gas legal framework



On 27 January 2012 the European Commission published the Final Report on Unconventional Gas in Europe, addressing the licensing and permitting procedures for shale gas projects. Based on a sample of four Member States (France, Germany, Poland and[...]mehr lesen

Final version of best practice guide on induced seismicity in geothermal operations


Induzierte Seismizität

The U.S. Department of Energy published the final version of the "Protocol for Addressing Induced Seismicity Associated with Enhanced Geothermal Systems". The Protocol summarizes the results of three international workshops on the topic[...]mehr lesen

First workshop of Unconventional Gas Research Initiative (UGRI), Delft



The first UGRI Workshop was held on December 9, 2011 in Delft. The workshop focused on the dialog with E&P professionals and knowledge partners on the technology challenges that need innovative solutions for environmentally safe and profitable[...]mehr lesen

U.S. EPA Wyoming Groundwater Study published



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a draft of its report Investigation of Ground Water Contamination near Pavillion, Wyoming for public comment and independent scientific peer-review. The draft report indicates that ground[...]mehr lesen

Marcellus Gas Drilling Impact on Drinking Water



The Center for Rural Pennsylvania has published the study "The Impact of Marcellus Gas Drilling on Rural Drinking Water Supplies." The report states that "statistical analyses of post-drilling versus pre-drilling water chemistry[...]mehr lesen

Draft best practice guide on induced seismicity in geothermal operations published


Induzierte Seismizität

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and U.S. Department of Energy commissioned "Protocol for Addressing Induced Seismicity Associated with Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)". It summarizes the results of three international workshops on[...]mehr lesen

Report on seismic events in Lancashire (UK) published


Induzierte Seismizität

Cuadrilla Resources, the British company exploring natural shale gas in the Bowland Basin in Lancashire, has today released the findings of a report that was commissioned following unusual seismic activity near Poulton-le-Fylde in April and May[...]mehr lesen

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