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Polish unconventional resources: Implementation of European Energy Policy
Author: Michal Tarka
Published: June 30, 2015
European Energy Policy envisages the concerted action of the member states, aimed at providing them with secure, environmentally-friendly and competitive energy supplies. Since the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (1952) and .... [read more]
Eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Investitionen in Schiefergas in Polen durch aktive Teilhabe der Kommunen an den rechtlichen Verfahren und Vermittlung von Wissen zu diesen Verfahren sicherstellen
Autor: Michal Tarka
Published: 2. Juni 2014
Mit der Umsetzung der Informationskampagne „Gemeinsam handeln bei Schiefergas“ wurden eine Reihe von Meinungen aus den durch dieses Programm berücksichtigten Bereichen eingebracht. Sie betreffen die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung... [mehr lesen]
Wie können die Empfehlungen der Europäischen Kommission im wahren Leben umgesetzt werden? Fallstudie Stara Kiszewa
Autor: Michal Tarka
Publiziert: 21. März 2014
Als Experte für die Kampagne „Gemeinsam in Schiefergas“, die vom Polnischen Nationalen Fonds für Umweltschutz finanziert wird, habe ich einen der ersten Fälle einer Lizenz für Schiefergas analysiert, bei der die Empfehlungen... [mehr lesen]
Rechtliche Folgen der Empfehlungen der Europäischen Kommission zu den Mindestanforderungen für Schiefergas in Polen
Autor: Michal Tarka
Publiziert: 18. Februar 2014
Am 22. Januar 2014 hat die Europäische Kommission eine Empfehlung veröffentlicht, in denen Mindestanforderungen für die Förderung und Produktion derjenigen Kohlenwasserstoffen festgelegt werden, für die in großem Umfang die hydraulische Frakturierung... [mehr lesen]
Neue Entwicklungen in der Debatte um Schiefergasgewinnung durch Fracking - Das EU-Parlament fordert nun eine verbindliche Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (UVP)
Autor: Anna Alexandra Seuser
Publiziert: 16. Oktober 2013
Am Mittwoch, dem 9. Oktober 2013, befasste sich das Europäische Parlament mit der Frage einer Neuauflage der Richtlinie zur Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung (UVP) und formulierte... [mehr lesen]
New Draft Rules for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production in Poland
Author: Ewa Rutkowska-Subocz
Published: May 14, 2013
On 15 February 2013 the Polish government published a Bill to amend the Act on Mining and Geological Law and other laws governing the process of mineral exploration and production (the “Bill”). The Bill introduces special solutions with respect to hydrocarbon exploration and production and hence is of particular importance for the shale gas industry. ... [read more]
For further reading about shale gas exploration and production in Poland click here
Overview of Environmental Issues and US Regulatory Framework Pertaining to US Shale Gas Development
Author: Susan L. Sakmar
Published: May 1, 2012
Updated: September 17, 2012
The development of shale gas in the United States has been widely recognized as one of the most promising trends in U.S. both in terms of job creation and economic benefits as well as its resulting increase in the domestic supplies of natural gas. Many people view natural gas as a cleaner-burning fossil fuel that could enhance energy independence... [read more]
France: Evolutions in the legal framework for shale oil and gas
Author: Boris Martor
Published: March 14, 2012
Updated: July 16, 2015
In March 2010, the French Government (hereafter referred to as the “Government”) delivered the first research permits to explore shale oil and gas in France1. Afterwards French opponents of shale oil and gas operations focused... [read more]
Germany: Legal aspects of shale gas exploration and extraction
Author: Grit Ludwig
Published: March 14, 2012
Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) involves injecting water, sand, and a mixture of chemicals at high pressure into a rock formation deep below the surface. This opens new and pre-existing fractures in the rock allowing natural gas to migrate from the rock to the well and rise to the surface. The technology makes it possible to exploit gas... [read more]
Related reading:
Relationship between state law set by the German federal government and potentially deviant legal positions of the federal states
Outlining the legal structures of the approval procedure concerning hydraulic fracturing (fracing) in the German State, several distinctions as well as positions of points have to be fulfilled. Concerning this matter, there has to be distinguished precisely between the requirements set under mining law on the one hand and under the law... [read more]
Author: Anna Alexandra Seuser
Published: May 22, 2012
Poland: Legal aspects of shale gas exploration and production
Author: Ewa Rutkowska-Subocz
Published: March 14, 2012
Poland is believed to have major shale gas deposits. The shale gas deposits are believed to be located in a zone stretching from the north-west to the south-east of Poland. About 100 prospecting/exploration concessions have been already granted by the Polish Ministry of Environment. Consequently, most of the area of potential interest is... [read more]