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Brian Horsfield na temat szczelinowania hydraulicznego

Kwiecień 2013 r. Interview

Brian Horsfield na temat działalności SHIP

(w języku angielskim)

GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung jest partnerem Roku Nauki 2012 “Project Earth: Our Future” (Projekt Ziemia: Nasza Przyszłość).


Praca badawcza rządu niemieckiego nad zagrożeniami, które powoduje szczelinowanie hydrauliczne


Ogólny, Ochrona wody, Prawodawstwo

Szczelinowanie hydrauliczne nie powinno być zakazane, ale jego zastosowanie może być dozwolone tylko wtedy, kiedy obowiązują surowe regulacje prawne. Jest to główna konkluzja wyczerpującego studium (dostępnego tylko w języku niemieckim) nad[...]Więcej informacji

"Rewolucja łupkowa": Wydarzenia i zmiany



Wyczerpujący przegląd najnowszych wydarzeń związanych z gazem łupkowym został opublikowany w sierpniu 2012 roku przez Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs - Królewski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych). Raport informacyjny "The[...]Więcej informacji

Badania naukowe nad gazem łupkowym pod ścisłą kontrolą



[Aktualizuj grudzień 2012] Studium naukowe poświęcone prawnym i ekologicznym aspektom szczelinowania hydraulicznego zostanie poddane ponownej ocenie przez instytucję, która je opublikowała - Energy Institute at the University of Texas (Instytut[...]Więcej informacji

Low gas leakage rate of unconventional gas wells suggested


Wpływ na klimat

Natural gas as an energy source is well suited to mitigate global climate change and a good transition step on the road towards the use of low-carbon sources of energy. In a recent paper published in the journal "Geochemistry, Geophysics and[...]Więcej informacji

Assessing the impact of natural gas on the greenhouse effect


Wpływ na klimat

Natural gas energy is suitable for the mitigation of global climate change and can serve as a good transition step on the road towards greater use of low-carbon energy sources. In a recent paper published in the journal "Geochemistry,[...]Więcej informacji

Study documents natural origin of enhanced salinity in Marcellus area groundwater


Ochrona wody

A Duke University study on well water in northeastern Pennsylvania suggests that naturally occurring pathways could have allowed salts and gases from the Marcellus shale formation deep underground to migrate up into shallow drinking water[...]Więcej informacji

Safe distance between hydraulic fractures and groundwater


Ochrona wody, Sejsmiczność indukowana, Hydraulic Fracturing

Two studies have been published recently that give recommendations on safe distances between induced hydraulic fractures and shallow groundwater. They both build on the 2011 publication of comprehensive data on hydraulic fracture height growth from[...]Więcej informacji

London University Workshop on Shale Gas and Renewable Energy



The University College London’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies (UCL SSEES) hosted a workshop on 25 June 2012 to examine the prospects for shale gas and renewable energy in Central and Eastern Europe. This is a part of the world highly[...]Więcej informacji

UK government report on hydraulic fracturing risks



The report of the Royal Society/Royal Academy of Engineering shale gas committee was published on 29 June 2012. It is a government commissioned, independent review of the scientific and engineering evidence relating to the technical aspects of the[...]Więcej informacji

Shale gas in Germany: strong potential and controllable risks



The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) has published a comprehensive study (in German) on 25 June, 2012 that suggests great potential for shale gas in Germany: 0.7 to 2.3 tcm (trillion cubic meters) or 24.7 to[...]Więcej informacji

SHIP: New experts and more content



SHIP welcomes four new members of the expert network who share their expertise on various aspects of shale gas, see below. Additionally, a new expert article on "The Importance of Wellbore Integrity for Groundwater Protection in Shale Gas Well[...]Więcej informacji

Best Practice in Shale Gas: IEA “Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas”



The IEA (International Energy Association) has published its Special Report on Unconventional Gas, “Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas”.   This report calls for the “highest practicable environmental and social standards” possible. It[...]Więcej informacji

Studies on underground fracturing fluid migration along faults


Ochrona wody

A recent study on the potential migration of contaminants from hydraulically fractured gas shales through overlying, naturally fractured rock formations, has stirred some debate on the risk of groundwater contamination. While acknowledging[...]Więcej informacji

Irish Environmental Protection Agency releases study on hydraulic fracturing



The Irish Environmental Protection Agency EPA has published a report from a preliminary study on current knowledge about the environmental considerations and impacts of shale gas exploration and extraction, and in particular the use of hydraulic[...]Więcej informacji

Shale gas research paper collections



Insights into Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation A collection of research papers on shale gas was published in March 2012 in a special issue "Insights into Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation" in the journal Marine and Petroleum[...]Więcej informacji

New SHIP expert and the Dutch perspective on shale gas



Yvonne Schavemaker of the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO has joined the SHIP expert network. Yvonne works currently as Business Developer at TNO and is perfectly suited to be the main contact to SHIP because she is[...]Więcej informacji

New US air standards for hydraulically fractured natural gas wells


Prawodawstwo, Wpływ na klimat

The use of "reduced emissions completion (REC)", also known as “green completion”, has been prescribed for hydraulically fractured natural gas wells from Jan. 2015 onwards. This is part of the final rule on New Source Performance Standards[...]Więcej informacji

New SHIP expert article on U.S. regulatory framework for shale gas


Prawodawstwo, Ogólny

Susan L. Sakmar has published a SHIP expert article "Overview of Environmental Issues and US Regulatory Framework Pertaining to US Shale Gas Development". Read the article here. Susan is licensed to practice law in California and has over[...]Więcej informacji

Scientists publish recommendations for hydraulic fracturing in Germany


Operacje, Hydraulic Fracturing

On April 25, 2012, in Osnabrück, Germany, an extended summary version of “Risikostudie Fracking” (study of fracking risks) was presented during the final conference of ExxonMobil´s “information and dialogue process on the potential risks and[...]Więcej informacji

Preese Hall shale gas fracturing revisited: recommendations for induced seismic mitigation.


Sejsmiczność indukowana

An expert report on the seismic events experienced in the UK Blackpool area last year during hydraulic fracturing operations at Preese Hall was published by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) on 17. April 2012 (see DECC website[...]Więcej informacji

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Shale Gas Information Platform